When cancer comes knocking and it's for you this time?

In the early Summer of this year, I learned that a mole I had on my right leg was, in fact, melanoma. Melanoma is skin cancer; as a matter of fact - it's the most serious type of skin cancer. My reason for sharing this with you all is that cancer and I have a history that isn't good. My mother died from breast cancer when I was 16. My first husband died of colon cancer when I was 24 (and pregnant!) Those who know me understand that I am an incredibly pragmatic person - most times I can approach things in a very calm, grounded, and practical way. Friends and people I know come to ME when they need strength and comfort. Not this time - just as kryptonite impacted Superman, cancer had already taken so much and so many from me that learning it had come for me was terrifying. My life was put on hold and I was stuck in a moment; I cried - I was stunned. As much as I want to tell you all that I have ...